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"It's a Prison!!"

As the years have gone on, I have seen more people become resistant to using a crate. To be quite honest, it is very concerning.

Why though?

"Because it's a prison!"

"Because it's abuse!"

"Because my dog should be able to roam free!"

"Because my dog cried all night the first night we put him/her in it!"

All of these excuses and much more.

Yes. Excuses.

Wow Nicole! That's mean!

Is it though?

"Because my dog cried all night the first night we put him/her in it!"

Of course your new puppy/dog will cry the first night. You took them out of an environment they are familiar with and put them in a new home. They are stressed out, which is completely understandable. Don't give in. Unless your new puppy/dog has to go to the bathroom or something else is wrong, don't give in to their whining. Stick with the routine in your household and eventually, your new furiend will settle right in!

Because my dog should be able to roam free!

Yes, you're right! However... would you allow your two year old baby to roam free in the house? Aha!

Sort of a weird, right? If you wouldn't let your two year old baby roam through the house, why would you let your six month old puppy? Your puppy needs to be crated while unsupervised so they don't:

  • have a potty accident if you can't watch them

  • chew something they are not supposed to OR

  • ingest insert socks, shoes, kids' toys or anything else the dog should not be eating

Until your dog will settle within the home while you are out running errands, working, completing chores around the house, etc...they have to be crated.

Because it's abuse!

I would rather have my dog contained, knowing he is safe, rather than him getting into trouble... What trouble you wonder?

The list is endless.

So what's more abusive?

Putting your dog in their crate for an hour while you go grocery shopping or leaving them out to be destructive and they accidentally eat something that could make them sick, cause a blockage, or worse...

Because it's a prison!!

Is it though?

The dog's crate is a place where they can go if they feel:

  • overwhelmed

  • tired

  • want some quiet time to chew

  • nap

If you are struggling with crate training, then don't be afraid to reach out to me. A dog should be allowed to have their own space to feel safe and secured đŸ«¶đŸ»

*There are some exceptions where a dog might experience something called: confinement anxiety (think of claustrophobia in a human). That certain situation would need to be evaluated for other ideas to make sure the puppy/dog is safe!

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